Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The New Me!

So now that the New Year is in full swing, I thought it would be fun to share a couple of changes/goals that I'm working on this month.

First, I've decided that I'm going to submit for Director in Qualification for Mary Kay by February 1!  This means that I'll be working really hard for the next 5 months to become a Mary Kay Director.  It's a lofty goal, but I have no doubt that I can accomplish it.  I'm excited about the women I'm going to meet, and I'm even more excited to see how the Mary Kay opportunity can change their lives.

Second, I will be waking up by 6am every day of the week except for Fridays.  This will not only help me with my first goal, but it will make my mornings much less stressful if I can be dressed and ready to go by the time my little Claire wakes up.  To some, this doesn't sound like a big deal, but I am not a morning person.  In fact, I haven't had to be up that early on a regular basis since High School.  In Mary Kay's autobiography, she talks about the 5am club.  She makes a great point, but I'm not quite ready for that.  I'll start by joining the majority of the county who wake up 5 days a week for the 6am club. 

Third, I am going to lose 10lbs!  I'm back to my pre-baby weight, but let's just say that it's not the lean muscle version of my pre-baby weight.  I am absolutely too busy to cycle 3-4 days a week like I did before Claire, but I can find time to change my diet.  I've been enjoying food quite a bit, and I think the small sacrifices will be worth the weight loss.  Hopefully this will even things out a bit.

What changes will you make in 2011?

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