Wednesday, January 19, 2011

But I did it anyways...

I'm sure there are more than a handful of phrases that I would like to define my life, but today I'll just focus on one: "but I did it anyways!"  Life is a series of choices.  Will I get up this morning or will I hit the snooze button 5 times?  Will I work my Mary Kay business or will I watch TV?  Will I be purposeful with my time, or will I be distracted by less important things?  All of these choices affect the trajectory of our lives.  Now, one morning of hitting the snooze button isn't going to radically change your life, but all of these small choices add up to something bigger and better or something small and average.

I'm choosing to make choices that add up to bigger and better things in my life, and for me, this means having a "but I did it anyways" attitude.  I'm a wife, a working mom, a business owner, and all of these areas can be better because of this attitude.  In fact, I'm beginning to think that this attitude is the difference between a mediocre life and a fulfilling, satisfying, abundant life.  So, when I don't feel like making those phone calls to grow my business, waking up at 6am to get a head start on my day, or taking the time during my day to pray, worship, or read my Bible, I will choose to say "but I did it anyways!"

My guess is that if I choose to have this attitude rather than that of "I just don't feel like it," or "I'll do it later," then I'll be a better version of myself.  The hard part is remembering to choose this attitude.  Maybe I should have it tattooed on my forearm or written on every wall in my house?  Since I don't see either of those things happening in this lifetime, I'll settle for printing it out and placing it on the bulletin board over my desk as a daily reminder to choose something bigger and better for me and my family.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'll take the good with the not-so-good...

So last night was such a sweet night with my little Claire, except for the fact that I didn't get much sleep.  You see, I can hardly complain because she has always been such a great sleeper.  From 7 weeks old, she's been sleeping through the night consistently, and most nights and naps, she goes right to sleep in her crib with little to no fussiness.  I've always been so grateful for all of this, but there is a small part of me that wishes she would let me snuggle and rock her more often around bed time.  Last night, I got my wish.

My husband and I have made this habit of going in to check on her before we go to bed.  I usually give her a little kiss on the cheek and replace any socks that were pulled off before she fell asleep.  Well last night, she woke up just as I opened her door and she did not go back to sleep.  So, I got to snuggle her and rock her for about 30 minutes, and I loved it.  Then I went to put her down, and she was not having anything to do with that.  After a minute of trying to decide what to do, I brought her to bed with me.  Now, this isn't something I've ever done with her.  I was always too nervous to sleep with her when she was little, but she's almost 10 months old and I thought it might be the quickest way for both of us to get some rest...I also wanted some more snuggle time.  Last night was one of the sweetest times I've had with my little Claire.  She fell asleep in my arms for the first time since she was only a few months old, and even though she woke up way too early this morning, I loved our sweet time together in the middle of the night.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The New Me!

So now that the New Year is in full swing, I thought it would be fun to share a couple of changes/goals that I'm working on this month.

First, I've decided that I'm going to submit for Director in Qualification for Mary Kay by February 1!  This means that I'll be working really hard for the next 5 months to become a Mary Kay Director.  It's a lofty goal, but I have no doubt that I can accomplish it.  I'm excited about the women I'm going to meet, and I'm even more excited to see how the Mary Kay opportunity can change their lives.

Second, I will be waking up by 6am every day of the week except for Fridays.  This will not only help me with my first goal, but it will make my mornings much less stressful if I can be dressed and ready to go by the time my little Claire wakes up.  To some, this doesn't sound like a big deal, but I am not a morning person.  In fact, I haven't had to be up that early on a regular basis since High School.  In Mary Kay's autobiography, she talks about the 5am club.  She makes a great point, but I'm not quite ready for that.  I'll start by joining the majority of the county who wake up 5 days a week for the 6am club. 

Third, I am going to lose 10lbs!  I'm back to my pre-baby weight, but let's just say that it's not the lean muscle version of my pre-baby weight.  I am absolutely too busy to cycle 3-4 days a week like I did before Claire, but I can find time to change my diet.  I've been enjoying food quite a bit, and I think the small sacrifices will be worth the weight loss.  Hopefully this will even things out a bit.

What changes will you make in 2011?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Thankful Mom!

I thought it would be a good time to reflect back on the things I'm thankful for this year.  Here goes my list in no order of significance.

1. I'm thankful for my beautiful and healthy daughter Claire born last March!
2. I'm thankful for my super loving and supportive husband.
3. That my teenage sister gets to live here with us, no matter how much she drives me crazy!
4. For my girlfriends.
5. For my church family.
6. For my Mary Kay business.
7. For the opportunity to give generously to others.
8. For my in-laws who've become my family.
9. For my housekeeper.
10. That I get to work from home and take care of my kids!

I could add several less significant things to the list, but I'll stop there.  Overall, no matter how overwhelmed or stressed out I get, this list reminds me that I am truly blessed.  It reminds me that I have everything I need, and many of the extras that make life nice.  Sometimes, that little reminder can make all of the difference.  What's on your list?

Merry Christmas and may you too be blessed!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Does balance really exist when you're a working mom?

Lately I've been a little our of sorts...a little on edge, and unhappy.  This doesn't really make much sense, because I'm happy with my marriage, and my daughter, and my career, and my friends, and everything else.  As I began to dig a little deeper into the feeling, I realized that I'm having a hard time giving everyone 100% of myself right now.  I wish I had more to offer everyone, but to be honest, I'm spread really thin. 

I wonder if other working moms feel this way too.  How do we keep all of the plates spinning without spinning out of control?   I don't have all of the answers, but here's my game plan to find balance and stay sane.

1. Identify what's important and let the rest go.
For example, it's really important that my family eats a healthy dinner, but that doesn't mean that it has to take me an hour in the kitchen to prepare it. 

2. Delegate, give away, and hire out responsibilities!
Do the things that you love, and get someone else to do the things you don't love to do.  If you're an independent, perfectionist like me, then we need to learn this lesson more than anyone.  Get over yourself and let those around you help you out!

3. Take a time out.
These aren't just for our kids.  Last Saturday night was the first one in weeks that I haven't been obligated to be somewhere.  I immediately started planning to knock out some of the things on my long term to-do list when my sister asked me to watch movies with her.  I almost said no, and then I let go of the to-do's and relaxed with her on the couch.  Sometimes a time out is more important than anything on our to-do list.

What are you doing to find balance as a working mom?